I don’t know about you, but for me, 2025 hasn’t exactly started the way I was hoping. Dealing with everything going on in the world at any given time can be so overwhelming, especially when we have world wide news at our fingertips 24/7.
But now with devastating fires that just destroyed large portions of LA and the inauguration this past Monday, it just feels like there is a collective sense of defeat and sadness. It seems like we never get a break between the horrific things happening in this world. It can feel even more overwhelming when you're a mother or caretaker and have others to worry about other than yourself. And we are just expected to go on with our day to day lives like it's normal.
I hate this normal.
Our nervous systems seem constantly on alert and ready for the next disaster to hit. And it’s not going away any time soon with climate change this new administration.
I myself at times find it hard to keep going and not just throw my hands in the air and give up.
But then I am reminded of all the people that came before us, and all they had to endure. Every generation since the beginning of time has had its struggles. We are not unique in this.
I also take comfort in the work that I am doing. Helping people on an individual level to bring more balance and ease to their lives.
And I am always aware of my children and that they are watching. Watching the way their mother reacts and deals with stressful situations, and I in no way want to cause more panic or stress in their lives, thinking if mom can’t handle this, how can we? And so I push forward.
I think of all the good in the world instead of the bad. I think about all the resiliency we have in the face of tragedy. Those who are coming together to help the people of LA with all that they have lost. Donating money, food, supplies and their time. These tragic situations always have a way of bringing out the very best in people. And those are the kind of people that give me hope for a better future.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by being a human on this planet, I wanted to take some time to just tell you, you are not alone.
Here are some things that might help. And I know we already know these things, but sometimes a gentle reminder from someone else is the push we need to take action. Adding these things to our daily routines can help to ease stress levels and help us feel more grounded in our bodies.
Sleep - Making sure we are getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night.
Nourishing Foods - Making sure we are feeding our bodies foods that are comforting and nutrient dense.
Getting Outside - Feeling the sun on our face, even if just for a walk around the block.
Staying off social media - Staying off social media or setting limits for yourself.
Getting lost in a book or Binging a new show or an old fav - Sometimes getting lost in someone else's story can help us to forget the complexities of the real world for a minute.
Listening to music - Blaring music and singing your heart out is a great way to change your mood.
Movement - Yoga, pilates, lifting weights, cardio - Getting your heart rate and those endorphins up.
Taking a bath - Soaking in the tub with some epsom salts and herbs can be a wonderful way to calm the nervous system.
Listening to a podcast- While doing other mundane activities can make them more enjoyable and help you not to overthink or get caught in a thought spiral. So throw on a podcast when you're doing those dishes, making dinner, or cleaning the house.
Tidying your space - Keeping your space clean can help keep your mood elevated.
Snuggling with pets and kids - (if they will let you)
Some herbs to lean on during this time:
Lemon Balm
If you’re a tea lover and looking for a nourishing nervous system calming tea blend that you can drink daily, I've posted the blend I've been drinking on my blog. Get the full recipe here!
I also recently added a nourishing Apple Pie Protein Oats recipe on the blog!
It is so important to take care of ourselves in times like these. And if you're still overwhelmed and looking for some additional support to help ease stress and soothe your nervous system, you can set up a free 15 minute exploratory call with me so we can chat more about supporting you and your unique situation with a custom protocol designed just for you.
And before I go, I want to make something perfectly clear, YOU ARE WELCOME IN MY PRACTICE NO MATTER WHAT. You are welcome here no matter who you love, what your pronouns are, where you are from or the color of your skin. Thank you for being here. Take care of yourself.